
28 Nisan 2015 Salı

Armenian Activities in the Archive Documents of General Staff of the Republic of Turkey

Osmanlı Ordusu

3 ncü Ordudan: Başkomutanlığa gelen numarasız şifredir.

Cevap. 20 Mart 1916 tarihli İstihbarat Şubesi ... ve Ermeniler tarafından Erzurum’da yapılan mezalim hakkında 10 Mart 1916 tarihinde bilgi arz edilmişti. Düşman işgaline maruz kalan köylerden kaçan halka, düşmanın ve özellikle Ermeni askerlerinin pek canice ve vahşice davrandıklarını, genç çocuk ve kızları kaldırarak bilinmeyen bir tarafa götürdüklerini, mal ve canlarını yağmaladıklarını, zaman zaman katlettiklerini, ırza tecavüzün akla, hayale gelmeyecek derecede bulunduğunu söylemekte ve çeşitli kaynaklardan alınan bilgiler de bunu doğrulamaktadır.

21 Mart 1916
3 ncü Ordu Komutanı

Ottoman Army
Office of the Commander-in-Chief

Unnumbered code sent from the 3rd Army to the Office of Commander-in-Chief

Rejoinder. dated March 20, 1916 Information Bureau … We have previously presented an intelligence report about the atrocities committed by the Armenians [and] … in Erzurum on March 10, 1916. The people who ran away from the villages that were subjected to the atrocities committed by the enemy have been claiming that the enemy soldiers and especially the Armenian soldiers have been behaving murderously and brutally, and that they have raptured all the youth, children, and the girls to an unknown place, that they have pillaged the houses and the stocks, that they occasionally have committed massacres, and that they were committing rapes beyond any thought; all these information have been proven to be true by other sources.

March 21, 1916
3rd Army Commander

Osmanlı Hükûmeti
İçişleri Bakanlığı
Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü
Özel Kalem
2 nci Şube
Genel: 1382
Özel: 91

Osmanlı Ordusu Başkomutanlığına
İzmit Amele Taburundaki Ermenilerin eşkıya çetelerine yataklıkları devam ettiğinden, 
bunların başka bir yere nakledilmesine dair

21 Mayıs 1917 tarih ve 1273 numaralı tezkereye Ek’tir. Ermeni çetesinin dolaştıkları alan olan orman içinden, köylerine giderlerken kaybolan ve arattırılmakta oldukları daha önce bildirilen, Serindere (Kocaeli, Bahçecik, Serindere) köyünden Hacı Bilâl’ın kızı Hatice ve Aksığın (Kocaeli, Bahçecik, Aksığın) köyünden Süleyman’ın kızı Gülfedar isimlerindeki iki kadınla, Servetiye ( Kocaeli, Bahçecik, Servetiye) köyünden 13 yaşındaki Ahmet oğlu Cafer’in cesetlerinin yarı çürümüş bir halde Efraziye ve Şefkiye köylerinin alt tarafındaki dere içinde bulunduğu ve yapılan keşif neticesinde bunların enselerinden kesilmek ve yaralayıcı aletlerle parçalanmak suretiyle çete tarafından katledildikleri; kadınların elbiselerinin başka bir yerde bulunmasından, soyularak ırzlarına geçildiği de kesin olarak anlaşıldığından, söz konusu çeteyi koruyan ve yataklık eden İzmit Amele Taburlarındaki Ermenilerin başka yere nakillerinin gerektiği, İzmit Mutasarrıflığından en son gelen yazıda bildirilmesine ve daha önce alınan bilgilere göre gerekenin süratle yapılması ve sonucun bildirilmesine çalışılması hususunda tezkere yazıldı efendim.

28 Mayıs 1917
İçişleri Bakanı
Mehmet Talat

Ottoman Government
Ministry of Internal Affairs
General Directorate of National Police Organization
Private Secretary’s Office
Second Division
General: 1382
Private: 91

Ottoman Army Command Headquarters
On the issue of the harboring of the gangs by the Armenians in the Izmit Workers Battalion, and their transfers to other places.

In attachment to the note dated May 21, 1917, and numbered 1273. The corpses of two women –Hacı Bilâl’s daughter Hatice from Serindere village, and Suleiman’s daughter Gülfedar from Aksığın village– and of a thirteen-year-old boy, Ahmet’s son Cafer from Şefkiye village, who were lost on their way to their villages and were being searched for ever since their disappearance in the forests near their villages, where an Armenian gang was prevailing. They have been discovered in the creek below Efraziye and Şefkiye villages, and after a close inspection of the corpses it has been observed that the victims were massacred by cutting their necks and by tearing them into pieces by means of piercing instruments. Finding of the women’s clothing in a different place it is concluded that they have first been raped and then massacred. Thus, under the light of the information received from the Office of the Governor of Izmit, it became evident that the transfer of the Armenians, who harbored the members of the mentioned gang in the Izmit Workers Battalion, to other places is necessary. A note has been issued for the acceleration of the legal procedures and dispatching of the final results of the issue.

May 28, 1917
Minister of Internal Affairs
Mehmet Talat

3 ncü Ordu Komutanlığı
Kurmay Başkanlığı                                          3 ncü Ordu Karargâhı
1 nci Şube                                                                       4 Ekim 1917
3 ncü Kısım

2 Eylül 1917’de 36 ncı Kafkas Tümenine iltica eden 156 ncı Alay 12 nci Bölük Komutanı Teğmen Nikola’nın, Ruslar ve özellikle Ermenilerin Müslümanlara yaptıkları kötülükler ve alçaklıklar hakkındaki dikkate değer ifadesi aşağıda arz olunur: Teğmen Nikola’nın bu konuda ayrıca Rusça olarak ifadesi de Ek’te sunulmuştur.

“Sarıkamış Harekâtı” sırasında Rusya’daki Müslümanlar arasında görülen karışıklıklardan dolayı Elizabetpol (Azerbaycan, Gence), Bakû, Ahıska (Gürcistan, Ahıska ) ve daha pek çok yerde Müslümanlar, Kazaklar tarafından katledilmişlerdir. Şimdi Rus ordusunda Ermeniler, kendilerinden nefret edilen kişiler durumundadırlar. Bunlar savaş sırasında genellikle geriye kaçıp, köylerde istirahat ederler ve yalandan hasta olurlar. Kendi kendilerini vururlar, fakat yağma fırsatını kaçırmazlar. Düşman geri çekildiğinde, ilerleyip ellerine geçen tüfek, bomba vesaireyi toplayıp saklarlar. Gerek Türk, gerekse Rus cenazelerini soyarlar. Savaşın başlangıcında, Horasan’da (Erzurum, Horasan) 39 ncu Tümene bağlı bir alaya ait olan ve Ermeniler tarafından toprağa gömülen altı makineli tüfek, araştırma neticesinde meydana çıkarılıp, suçlular askerî mahkemeye verilmek üzere geri gönderildi. Ermeniler, Türkçe bildikleri için Erzurum’da kendilerini Kafkas Müslümanı olarak tanıtarak, bitmek bilmez tecavüzlere karşı daima korunmaya muhtaç olan zavallı Türklerden kızlarla evleniyorlar, daha sonra da basit bahaneler ve kavgalarla zavallıları boşuyorlar. Gerek şehir, gerekse köylerde halktan, özellikle Müslümanlardan aldıkları malların parasını vermezler, ücra yerlerde ve köylerde her zaman namusa tecavüz ederler. Hatta asayişin sağlandığı zamanlarda bile Erzurum’un kenar mahallerinde birkaç defa bu gibi sarkıntılıklarda bulunmuşlar, fakat yakayı ele verenler cezalandırılmışlardır. Bunların köylerdeki tavır ve hareketleri insanlığa sığmaz. Geçen kış; Erzurum’da odun pahalı olduğu için, Ermeniler Müslüman köylülerin evlerini yıkarak, ağaç ve kirişlerini şehre götürüp satıyorlardı. Bu kirişleri yalnız sakinleri göç eden evlerden sökmüyorlardı. Ermeniler, bir köye gidiyor, herhangi bir eve girerek, evin sahibine, bu odayı bana ver diyor, ya da ev halkını tamamen dışarıya atıp, bir-iki gün oturduktan sonra damını sökerek, yine aynı evin kağnısı ile şehre götürüp satıyorlardı. Müslümanların güzel kızlarını ve gelinlerini, sen önce Ermeniydin diye yakalayıp götürüyorlar. Eğer, kız veya kadın Ermeni değilim diyecek olursa dövüp, tehdit ediyorlar. Şayet bunlardan bazıları idarecilere şikâyet etme fırsatını bulabilirlerse, idareciler bunları Ermenilerin ellerinden alarak ailelerine teslim ediyor. Ermenilerin köylerde ne gibi mezalim yaptıklarını aktarabilmek için, Erzurum’un içinde meydana getirdikleri kötülük ve yüz kızartıcı olaylardan bazılarını anlatmak yeterlidir.

Geçen yılın Haziranında [1916] Müslüman elbiseleri giyinmiş birkaç kişi, bir iki tüfek ve bir mitralyöz ile Karskapısı civarındaki yüksekçe bir evin üzerine çıkarak, buradan Erzurum Müstahkem Mevki Komutanının oturduğu yere ateş etmeğe başladılar. Tabiî yakalandılar. Bunlar kendilerinin Müslüman olduklarını, din ve devlet uğrunda her türlü fedakârlığı yapacaklarını, bütün Müslümanların isyan ederek Rusları perişan edeceklerini, maksatlarının temini için gereğinden fazla asker ve silâhları olduğunu, bir kahraman edasıyla söylediler. Ruslar, bunların bu hareket ve ifadelerinden dehşete düştüler. O sırada Erzurum’da bulunan Yekastritagoravski Polk hemen Müslüman evlerini aratmaya başladı. Ermeniler de güya silâhları meydana çıkarmak ve aranacak yerleri göstermek bahanesiyle rasgelen evlere girdiler, bütün şehri yağma ettiler. Para, gerdanlık, kemer, bilezik, halı, kumaş ne buldularsa götürdüler. Birçok kadına tecavüz ettiler. Arama neticesinde kalemtıraş ve ekmek bıçağından başka bir şey bulunamadı. Aramalar tamamlanınca Müslümanlar toplanarak komutanın yanına gittiler. Talandan, tecavüzlerden şikayet ettiler. Komutan Ermenilerin gasbettikleri mallardan bir kısmını geri alarak sahiplerine iade ettirdi. Türklerin isteği üzerine komutanın karargâhına ateş edenlerle Türkler yüzleştirildi. Haydutlardan birinin, zamanında Erzurum’da kuyumculuk yapan bir Ermeni olduğu anlaşıldı. Erzincan ve Trabzonlu iki Müslüman da diğer iki kişinin Ermeni olduğunu ispat etti. Bunun üzerine Rus idarecileri, Erzurum’da bulunan bütün Ermenilerle civarda bulunan Türkiye Ermenilerinden birçoğunu geri taraflara sürdü. Silâh kullanan söz konusu şahıslara ne yapıldığını iyi bilmiyorum. Erzurum civarındaki köylerde Rus birlikleri bulunuyor. Ermeniler, Kân köyünde (Bayburt, Arslandede.) geceleyin bir Rus nöbetçisini öldürdüler. Cenazeyi parça parça ederek sabahleyin çuval içine koyup, bir Müslüman hamala verdiler. Bu çuvalı, Müslüman ve memleketin ileri gelenlerinden biri olan belediye reisinin evinin önüne bırakmasını tembih ettiler. Hamala yolda rasgelen iki Rus askeri, çuvalda ne olduğunu sorarlar. Hamal, içinde ne olduğunu bilmediğini, götürüp belediye reisinin evinin önüne bırakacağını söyler. Askerler çuvalı açmasını, içinde kendilerine yarayacak şeyler varsa satın almak istediklerini söylerler. Fakat hamal kendisine ait olmadığı için buna razı olmaz. Askerler, sen bize satmak istemiyorsun, götürüp Müslümanlara satacaksın diye çuvalı indirip açarlar. Hamal tutuklandı. Fakat yapılan soruşturma neticesinde katillerin Ermeni olduğu anlaşıldı ve askerî mahkemeye verilmek üzere geri gönderildiler.

Rusların, Erzurum’da gösterdikleri muhalefet ve dikkate rağmen işgalin başlangıcında son derece önemli yağma ve katliam yapıldı. Namusuna tecavüz edilmedik ancak bir-iki yüz kız kaldı desem abartmış olmam. Şu olayı asla unutamam: Erzurum’un güneyinde bir mahallede bir eve giren Ermeniler, genç bir anneyi direğe, babayı da diğer bir direğe bağlayıp, bunların bir yaşında olan çocuklarını da sofa ortasına çaktıkları kazığa geçiriyorlar. Çocuğun cenazesini ben bizzat gördüm. Annesi delirmiş, Erzurum’da başıboş geziyordu. Bu durumundan dolayı kadını evine almak istemeyen kocasını, idareciler eve almaya mecbur ettiler.

Bizim Alayla Hasankale’ye (Erzurum, Pasinler) gideceğimiz sırada, kasabanın doğusunda yol üzerinde rastladığım, insanlık için silinmez leke olan, utanç verici bir manzarayı istemeyerek söyleyeceğim. Cinsel organına kocaman bir kazık çakılmış olarak yerde yatar vaziyette bulduğumuz, güzel ve genç bir Türk kadının cenazesini, gözlerden uzak olacak şekilde yolun uzağına götürüp bıraktık.

Ermenilerin bu hareketleri, Müslüman Türklere karşı duydukları kinden çok, yaratılışlarından kaynaklanmaktadır. Rus ordusundaki yolsuzlukların tamamını Ermeniler yapmışlardır. Meydana gelen kavga, hırsızlık, öldürme, fuhuş gibi olayların failleri mutlaka Ermenilerdir. Ruslar da bu düşüncededir. Herhangi bir Rus’a, hatta Kazak’a, Türk ile Ermeni mukayese ettirilse, Türk’ü daha ılımlı, medenî ve saygıdeğer bulur. Ermenilerin bu hallerinden bıkmış olan Kazaklar, şayet bir Ermeni’ye tenha bir yerde rastlar ve yakalanmayacaklarını da akılları keserse hemen öldürürler. Rus ordusunda Ermeniler hakkında, istisnasız şu şekilde lanet okunduğunu duyarsınız: “Ermeniler Cehenneme” . Bu konuda elde edilecek bilgilerin, sırasıyla görüşlerinize sunulacağı arz olunur.

3 ncü Ordu Kumandanı emriyle
Lojistik Destek Hizmet Müfettişi
Albay Muhittin

3rd Army Command Headquarters
Staff Office                                                   3rd Army Headquarters
1st Division                                                               October 4, 1917
3rd Branch

To: General Headquarters
Following is the testimony of Lieutenant Nikola, commander of the 12th Company of the 156th Regiment, who has taken refuge in the 36th Caucasus Division on September 2, 1917. Especially the parts about the Russians’ and Armenians’ vile atrocities directed to the Muslims are worthy of mentioning. Lieutenant Nikola’s testimony in Russian is also attached.

During the “Sarıkamış Campaign,” Cossacks taking the tumultuous events between the Muslims in Russia for granted have massacred a lot of Muslims in Elizabetpol, Bakü, Ahıska, and else where. Now the Armenians in the Russian Army are abhorred. They generally run away from the fronts and stay in the villages pretending to be ill during the war. They shot themselves, but they never miss the opportunity of pillaging. When the enemy withdraws they gather the guns and ammunitions and hide them away. They loot both the Turkish and Russian corpses.

In the beginning of the war, six machine guns that were hidden away by the Armenians affiliated to the 39th Division, in Horasan, were unearthed after the investigations; the felons were caught and were sent to Martial Court. Since the Armenians could speak Turkish, by introducing themselves as Caucasian Muslims they were marrying the poor Turkish girls who are desperately in need of protection from the never-ending attempts of rape. Then, by making up simple pretexts they are divorcing them. They never pay for the goods they take either in the town or in the villages, especially for the goods they take from the Muslims, and they always rape people living in the remote areas, and in the villages. Even at the times when the public order was established, they have attempted rapes at the outskirts of Erzurum; however, those who were captured have been punished.

Their behaviors and actions in the villages cannot be considered humane at all. Last winter, because the wood was expensive, the Armenians were pulling down the Muslim houses and were selling their timber and beams in the town. They were not taking the beams from the deserted houses only. When the Armenians went to a village they would enter a house and claim a room for a night or two, or they would throw the household out, stay there for coupe of days; and as they leave they would pull down the roof, load it on the oxcart of the house, take it to the town and  sell it there. They were taking away the beautiful Muslim girls by saying that they were previously Armenians. If they were to resist, the Armenians would beat them to death, or threaten them. If those women could find a way to complain about the events to the administrators, they are returned to their families by rescuing them from the hands of the Armenians. In order to be able to narrate the atrocities committed by the Armenians in the villages better, it will be enough to mention some of the disgraceful events in Erzurum.

Last year, in June [1916], couple of people in disguise of Muslim climbed the roof of a house with two guns and a machinegun, and opened fire on the house where the Commander of Erzurum Fortified Rank dwelled. Of course they wee caught. They claimed in a despising manner that they were Muslims, that they were ready to make sacrifices to do anything for the government, that all the Muslims were ready to rebel against the Russians, and that they had more than enough soldiers and arms to achieve their goals. Upon hearing these Russians fell into despair. Yekastritagoravski Polk who was in Erzurum then started a search on the Muslims’ houses. Armenians under the pretext of showing where the weapons were hid entered the houses and pillaged the whole town. They took away everything they could find like money, necklaces, belts, bracelets, carpets, and fabrics. They raped a lot of women. Nothing except pencil sharpeners and bread knives were found during the searches.

When the searches were over Muslims gathered and visited the commander. They complained about the pillaging and the rapes. Commander by taking some of the stolen articles from the Armenians returned them to their owners. Upon the request of the Turks the ones who opened fire on the commander’s headquarters were brought before the Turks. It was understood that one of the bandits happened to be an Armenian jeweler in Erzurum previously. Two Muslims from Erzincan and Trabzon proved that the other two were also Armenians. Upon this, the Russian administrators sent all the Armenians in Erzurum and some of the Turkish Armenians away into the rear regions. I am not sure about what happened to those who opened fire on the headquarters.

There are Russian Army Units in the villages neighboring Erzurum. Armenians killed a Russian guard in Kân village. They tore his body limb by limb, put in a sack, and gave it to a Muslim porter. They told him to leave the sack in front of the mayor’s house, who was one of the leading men of the town and the Muslim community. Two Russian soldiers whom he met on the way asked him what was in the sack. He told them he was ordered to take the sack to mayor’s house and leave it there. The soldiers told him to open the sack and if there were something they could purchase they would buy it. The porter saying that the sack was not his, refused their wish. But the soldiers saying that he was taking the sack to the Muslims to sell, opened the sack. Porter was arrested. Upon an interrogation it was understood that the murderers were Armenians, and they were sent to Martial Court. Despite the Russians’ utmost opposition and attention there have been extremely important pillaging and massacring in Erzurum. I would not be exaggerating if I said there are only one or two hundred girls left untouched. I can never forget this incident. 

Armenians who entered into a house in southern Erzurum, having tied a young mother to a beam of the house, and the father to another beam impaled their child of only a-year-old. I saw the child’s corpse myself. His mother went mad, and she was wandering in Erzurum alone. Her husband who did not want to take her in the house was forced by the administrators to take her in.

I will not tell on a scene, which I believe is an inerasable shame for the mankind, we have met on the eastern part of the town with our regiment on our way to Hasankale. We found a body of a young and beautiful Turkish woman, lying on the road, who was impaled from her genitals at the site, and carried her off the way to somewhere out of side.

Those atrocities do stem not from Armenians’ hatred towards the Turks, but rather from their very nature. The Armenians committed all the impropriety in the Russian Army. The instigators of the fights, pillaging, murders, and prostitutions are the Armenians. Russians are in the same belief. If one asks for a comparison between a Turk and an Armenian to any Russian or even to a Cossack, they will find the Turk more moderate, more civilized and respectful. Cossacks, who had enough of these Armenians’ actions, would kill them without any hesitation at all if they find it plausible and meet them in lonely places. You can always hear a curse in the Russian Army on the Armenians. “Armenians to Hell” Further information to be received, will be presented to your considerations.

Upon the orders of the 3rd Army
Logistic Support Services Inspector
Colonel Muhiddin

Dokuzuncu Ordu Kumandanlığı Kars
Erkân-ı Harbiyyesi 29-8-34
1 nci Şu’be

Şark Orduları Grubu Kumandanlığına
Ermenistan dâhilinde firâr ederek Dokuzuncu Fırka Karargâhına gelen iki Müslimân’ın ifâdesine nazaran Antranik’in Zengezor havâlîsinde bulunan kuvvetleri on beş gün mukaddem Arpa mevkii şimâlindeki Savur ve Darlağıski havâlîsine gelmiş ve Malişki; Keşişkend; Hasankend köyleri mıntakasında bulunuyormuş. Antranik de şimdiki hâlde Hasankend köyünde imiş. Hudûd hâricine çıkartdığımız Ermeniler de Antranik kuvvetlerine iltihâk ederek havâlî-i mezkûrede İslâmlara her türlü zulm ve cefâ icrâ etmekde ve evlerinden çıkartarak açlığa mahkûm edilmekde ve muhâceretlerine de müsâade edilmemekdedir. Hatta bu iki adam otuz erkek kadar arkadaşlarıyla bu tarafa firâr ederken Antranik kuvvetleri bunların yollarını keserek üzerlerine âteş etmiş, ancak bu ikisi kurtulmuşlardır. Ve mütebâkîsinin ne olduğu belli değildir. Hatta köylerinden çıkmayan ve toplu bulunan İslâm ahâlîye karşı top isti’mâl etdiklerini mezkûr iki Müslimân söylemişdir. 

Binâen aleyh bu husus ve bi-l-hâssa bu mıntaka hakkında evvelce de arz edildiği vechle İslâmların Ermenistan dâhilinde vaz’iyyetleri fevk-al-âde elîm bir hâl almışdır. Ve Ermenilerin bu tarz hareketleriyle bir ay sonra memleketlerinde hiçbir İslâm bırakmamak ve dâhilen serbestledikden sonra zemîn-i fa’âliyyet ve teşebbüslerini hudûdun bu tarafına kadar tevsi’ etmek maksadını ta’kîb etdikleri anlaşılmakda olduğunu arz ederim.

 Dokuzuncu Ordu Kumandanı
(CİLT 2)

1914-1918 - CİLT II
1914-1918 -VOLUME II

Genelkurmay ATASE ve Genelkurmay Denetleme Başkanlığı 
Yayınları, ANKARA



Atrocities committed by the Armenians I

Ruslarla Ermeni Çetelerinin Bitlis ve Van'da Yaptıkları Soykırım

Van ve Bitlis vilayetlerinin işgali sırasında Ruslarla Ermeni çeteleri tarafından İslam ahaliye feci zulümler yapıldığı; Bitlis'e gelen Kazak süvarileriyle Ermenilerin kaçmakta olan İslam ahaliyi büyük-küçük, çoluk çocuk demeden katlettikleri ; Van'a Rusların yaklaştığını öğrenen Ermenilerin isyana teşebbüs ettikleri ve göç eden İslam ahaliyi takip ederek yollarda feciane bir şekilde katlettikleri, göç edemeyip içerde kalan binlerce kadın, kız ve erkeği vahşice kestikleri, Van'a bağlı Timar nahiyesi dahilindeki köylerden Zive, Mollakasım, Şeyhkara, Şeyhayne, Ayans, Paksi, Zorabad ve daha birçok köy ahalisinin göç edemediklerinden dolayı Ermeniler tarafından hiçbir ferd bırakılmaksızın tamamının soykırıma tabi tutulduğu, Rusların Hakkari'ye bağlı dir kasabasına geleceği sırada ortaya çıkan çetelerin yol üzerinde bulunan Kürd köyleri İslam ahalisinin erkeklerini katledip en büyüğü üç yaşında olan binden fazla çocuğu kılınç ve kamalarla parça parça ettikleri ve her parçalarını bir el kadar bırakarak çocuk cesetlerinden siper yaptıkları, üç dört yüzü aşkın Kürd kızının bikrini izale ederek kadınların ihtiyar olanlarını katl ve idam ettiklerine dair.

Massacre Committed in Bitlis and Van by the Russians and Armenians bandits.

During the occupation of Van and Bitlis terrible crueltis were commited by Russian and Armenian brigands against the muslim population ; cossack cavalry arriving in Bitlis, massacred muslim families and children fleeing the Armenians; hearing that the Russians were coming to Van, Armenians uprose and pursued the fleeing muslim population trying to escape tragically killed them, massacred thousands of women, young girls and men among those who didn't emigrate; all the population of the villages of Zive, Mollakasım, Şeyhkara, Şeyhayne, Ayans, Paksi, Zorabad and many other villages, who stayed unable to emigrate were all exterminated and not a single person escaped the carnage; on the eve of the arrival of the Russians to Dir, a town attached to Hakkari, Armeians made irruptions on the roads and massacred all the male Kurdish population of the villages situated on these roads and cut up into chunks with daggers and swords more than thousand small children the oldest less than three years and used the cut and broken bodies as trenschs, and ravished more than four hundred Kurdish girls, the old women being killed.

15 Ş.1334 (17.VI.1916)

Ermeni ve Rusların Van'ın Reşadiye Nahiyesine Bağlı Aşnak Köyünde Yaptıkları Mezalim

Van'ın Reşadiye nahiyesine bağlı Aşnak karyesine hücum eden Ermeni ve Rusların vahşiyane zulümler yaptıkları, kadınları ve çocukları diri diri yaktıkları, ihtiyar ve genç erkeklerin gözlerini oydukları, genç kızların alenen ve suret-i vahşiyanede namuslarına tecavüz ettikleri, Müslüman kadın ve kızlardan on beş tanesini ayırarak bir odaya hapsettikleri ve akşam eğlenirken bu kadınları çırılçıplak soyarak "Haydi namaz kılınız bakalım nasıl kılıyorsunuz" diyerek onlara cebrettikleri ve nihayet tecavüz ederek çeşitli işkenceler altında öldürdüklerine dair.

Attrocities committed by the Russians and Armenians in the village of Aşnak of the Township of Reşadiye in Van.

Russians and Armenians attacking the village of Aşnak in Van had committed savageries and atrocities upon its population, burning living women and children, tearing out the eyes of old and young men, openly violating young girls and choosing ten girl and woman and after shutting them up in a room adn at the night, while feasting and jeering stripped off their clothes and shouted : " Now perform your worship let's see how do you do it" forcing them to execute their will and then, while being raped and tortured they fell dead under rape and tortures.

16 Ş.1334 (18.VI.1916)

Ermenilerin Van Havalisinde Ruslarla Birlikte Yaptıkları Mezalim

Ermeni ve Rusların Van ve havalisinde Müslüman ahaliye büyük mezalimler yaptıkları, Van'ın Abbasağa mahallesinden Firdevs'in ifadesine göre işgalcilerin kadın, çocuk, genç, ihtiyar demeden İslam ahaliyi çeşitli zulümler yaparak öldürdükleri; hamile bir kadının karnını yararak çocuğu çıkarıp kafasını kestikleri; girdikleri evlerdeki insanları saatlerce işkence yaptıktan sonra öldürdükleri, on beş-on altı yaşlarında erkek bir çocuğu çırılçıplak soyarak cinsel organını kestikleri ve daha sonra doğradıkları; Amerikan müessesesine götürülen kadın ve kızların ırzına geçildiği, mezarlıkları kazarak defnedilmiş olanları dışarı çıkardıkları ve ziyaretgahları kazıp içlerine pislik doldurdukları hakkında.

Attrocities perpetrated by the Armenians and Russians in the neigborhoods of Van.

Armenians and Russians committed widespread atrocities in Van and its surroundings and accoridng to the testimony of Firdevs lining in Abbasağa quarter, the occupants murdered by torturing women, girls, aged muslims without distinction, ripping the helly of a pregnant women and extracting the young from the wombs to behead it, storming houses and killing the household after they had inflicted them tortures for hours; stripping off the clothes of a young boy aged fiftheen-sixtheen, and after cuting off his sexual parts they buchtered him, raping and violatind muslim women and those who took refuge in an american foundation, desecrating cemeties and exhuming buried corpses and profaning tombs of venerated persons by filling in filthes.

28 Ş.1334 (30.VI.1916)

Van ve Bitlis'in İşgali Esnasında Ermenilerin İslam Ahaliye Yaptıkları Soykırım

Van ve Bitlis'in işgali esnasında Ermeni çeteleri tarafından İslam ahaliye yapılan zulümler hakkında Mardin Mutasarrıflığı tarafından yapılan tahkikata göre mezalimden kurtulanların ifadelerinde; Ermeni ve Rus çetelerinin,  teslim olmuş olan köylerdeki ahaliyi katletdikleri, birçok ahaliyi ve çocuğu ekmek yapımında kullanılan ve tandır tabir olunan fırınlarda yaktıkları ve Vanlı komiteci Aremek'in çetesi tarafından yetmiş seksen hanelik bir köy ahalisi daha önce teslim oldukları halde tamamen katlediklerinin bildirildiği hakkında.

Massacre of Muslim Population During the Occupation of Van and Bitlis

According to investigations made by the governorship of the sanjak of Mardin, the evidence given by muslims who escaped Armenian atrocities; Armenians and Russians killed and hacked the population including children an women who surrendered, throwing men, women and children into earth oven for baking breads and burning them; the bandits of the kommitadji (armed Armenian brigands) Aremek killed the whole population of about eighty households of a village who had formerly surrendered.

29 Ş.1334 (1.VII.1916)

Ermeni ve Rusların Van, Bitlis ve Trabzon'da Müslümanlara Yaptıkları Mezalim

Rus işgali sırasında Ermeni ve Rusların Şiirt'in merkes kazasıyla Garzan, Sason, Kulp kazalarında Muş, Malazgirt, Bulanık, Hınıs, Pasinler, Eleşgird ovalarında, Tifnik, Karaköy, Talori dağlarında, Van,Bitlis, Genç, Dutak ve Maçka'da bütün kaza, köy ve mahallelerde Müslümanları yoketmek amacıyla yağma ve katliam giriştikleri; köyleri ateşe vererek insanları samanlığa doldurup canlı canlı yaktıkları; bazı çocuk ve erkeklerin kol ve bacaklarını kesip canlı ateşe attıkları, kız çocuklarına ve kadınlara tecavüz ettikleri, hastaları dipçiklerle öldürdükleri; insanların üzerinden atla geçip kılıçtan geçirdikleri, muhacirlerin üzerinde şarapnel patlattıkları, mal sahiplerinin mallarını ellerinden zorla alıp, vermeyenleri öldürünceye kadar dövdükleri ve hapse mahkum ettikleri, ayrıca bazı  yerlerdeki camileri kiliseye çevirdikleri hakkında katliamdan kurtulan ahalinin durumunun araştırılmasıyla görevlendirilen memurların tahkikatı.

Attrocities perpetrated by Armenians and Russians against Muslims in Bitlis and Trabzon

Durin Russian occupation, Armenians and Russians with the aim of exterminating the Muslims living in the chief town of the sub-prefectures of Siirt and the sub-prefectures of Barzan, Sason and Kulp; in the plains of Muş, Malazgirt, Bulanık, Hınıs, Pasinler, ELeşgird; in the mountains of Tifnik, Karaköy and Talori in the whole districts, villages and quarters of Van, Bitlis, Genç, Andak and Maçka, set about looting and massacring setting fire to villages, cramming people in to haystrores and burning them alive; cutting offf arms and legs of some children and men and then throwing them into the flames, violating girls and women, killing by knocking down with their rifles' butts ailed sick people, trampling on living persons with their horses and putting them to swords, throwing on immigrants people shrapnels and letting them explode, seizing goods and chattels from their properties and after beating to death those refusing to give up their goods, sending them to jail and according to investigations made by officials hearing those who had escaped, mosques were converted into churches.

5 N.1334 (6.VII.1916)

Atrocities committed by the Armenians I
T.C.Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü
Yayın no 49 , 2001


27 Nisan 2015 Pazartesi

Atrocities committed by the Armenians I

Massacres of Muslims and Jews by Armenians and Russian bandits

While Russians together with Armenian bandits were forced back from Hasankala to their own fronties, they killed a part of the two thousand muslim folk they took away and drove the remaining to an unknown destination in the inland;

in Erzurum the Russians and the said bandits executed nine people and sent the whole male population above forteen years to no one knows destination;

in the sub-distirict of Pekreç a self appointed Armenian tribunal sentenced some three-four hundred people to the gallows and hanged them;

in the surroundings of Aşkale, Tercan, Ilıca, Tavuskerd and Artvin no one muslim was left alive;

in Van Armenians after having killed about two hunderd woman and children, massacred eight to then thousand muslim people in the valley of Mahfuran;

the population of the village Hot on the boundary of Narman were entirely exterminated with machine-guns;

the majority of immigrants living in Marbi Sufla of the subdistrict of Çukur attached to Bitlis were put to the sword;

the entire villages of Cinis, Pezantan, Ergani and Şemerşeyh with all of their inhabitants were burnt up and due to the pretentious ignorance of the Kurdish Bedirhani Kamil many villages' inhabitants settled in the vicinity of Bitlis perished from starvation;
seriously ill children cared of in Bitlis Hospital were savagely slain;
in the village of Balıkan Corpses were thrown to the dogs to feed on;

Çukur women and girls were raped and old people burnt, small children were bayoneted and many other massacres committed;
all these facts are stated in copies of dispatches sent by the governorships of Erzurum, Bitlis and Mamuretülaziz.

Ermeni Çeteleri ile Rusların Müslümanlara ve Musevilere 
Yaptıkları Soykırım

Rusların Ermeni çeteleriyle birlikte Hasankala'dan hudud-ı asliyyeye sürüldüklerinde beraberlerinde götürdükleri iki bin islam ahalisinden bir kısmını öldürüp bir kısmını ülke içlerine sevkettikleri, 

Erzurum'da dokuz kişiyi idam edip on dört yaşına kadar olan erkek nüfusu meçhul yerlere gönderdikleri ; 

Pekreç nahiyesinde Ermenilerden oluşan bir mahkemenin üç-dört yüz kişiyi astığı, 

Aşkale, Tercan, Ilıca, Tavuskerd ve Artvin cihetlerinde İslam namına birşey bırakmadıkları, 

Van'da Ermenilerin iki yüz kadar kadın ve çocuğu öldürüp  Mahfuran Deresi'nde sekiz-on bin Müslüman katlettikleri, 

Narman hududuna Hot karyesi ahalisini mitralyözlerle tamamen imha edildiği, 

Bitlis'in Çukur nahiyesindeki Morh-i Süfla muhacirlerinin çoğunun kılıçtan geçirildiği, 

Ergani, Cinis, Pezentan ve Semreşeyh karyelerinin ahalisiyle birlikte yakıldığı ; 

Kürt Bedirhani Kamil'in şarlatanlığı sebebiyle Bitlis'e yakın bir yere yerleştirilen pek çok köy ahalisinin açlıktan öldüğü, 

ağır hasta çocukların Bitlis Hastanesi'nde vahşice öldürüldüğü, 

Balekan karyesinde katledilenlerin cesetlerinin köpeklere yedirildiği, 

Çukur'da esir edilen kadın ve kızlara tecavüz edilip ihtiyarların yakıldığı, 

çocukların süngüyle öldürülüğü vesair katliama dair 

Erzurum, Bitlis ve Mamuretülaziz vilayetlerinden gelen telgaraf suretleri.

21 B.1344 (24.V.1916)

Atrocities committed by the Armenians I
T.C.Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü
Yayın no 49 , 2001



Allegations about the events of 1915 in Eastern Turkey

Author: Dr. Onur Öymen, Retired Ambassador & Former Member of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey  Date: Apr 25, 2015 New Post, Op-Eds and Commentaries

1915 Events in Eastern Turkey
Referring to the Armenian Governments’ allegations about the events of 1915, 
I would like to bring to your attention the following:

Turks and Armenians lived together in peace and harmony throughout many centuries. Quite a number of Armenians had important positions in Ottoman administrations. At the end of 19th and at the beginning of 20th centuries, for 28 years the ministers in charge of the personal budget of the Sultan were Armenians. An Ottoman Foreign Minister was Armenian. There were Armenian members of Parliament, ambassadors and high-level officers.

During the First World War, responding to an appeal by Tsar Nikola II, approximately 150,000 Ottoman citizens of Armenian origin joined the Russian forces invading Eastern parts of Turkey.[1]

These Armenians, and local Armenian armed groups attacked not only supply roads and storage facilities of the Turkish forces, but Turkish towns and villages as well, killing a great number of civilians including women and children.

In 1915 Ottoman government, upon the demand of Commanders of the Turkish forces on the Eastern Front, decided to move Armenians living in combat zones to safe places of the Empire. This deportation had started after armed Armenian groups took over control of the city of Van.

A great number of Turks and Armenians had lost their lives during this period as a result of mutual killings and illnesses. There are various estimations of Armenian casualties. French writer Pierre Loti, in his letter to the French Foreign Minister, asserted that Armenian claims are grossly exaggerated.

French journalist and writer Jean Schlicklin in his book Angora published in 1922, reports that by the end of 1919, one hundred Turkish villages were burned and their inhabitants massacred by Armenians.[2]

According to the official records of the Turkish authorities, around half a million Turks lost their lives in this period in the areas of confrontation.[3]

During the First World War, these confrontations have been presented as Turkish atrocities by allied propaganda agencies, most particularly by the British Propaganda Ministry, Wellington House,[4] practically without any reference to Turkish victims. These wartime propaganda materials are still in use to justify Armenian claims of genocide.

Katchaznouni, the first Prime Minister of Armenia and the President of The Dashnak Party, in a speech delivered in April 1923 at the Congress of the Party in Bucharest, blamed his own party for wrongdoings during this period.[5]

The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948 sets forth the definition of genocide and specifies the legal authorities qualified to determine which acts could be construed as genocide.[6] The Armenian claims cannot be justified by the stipulations of this Convention and have not been accepted by a large part of the international community or relevant legal authorities.

British Foreign Office Minister Baroness Meta Ramsay of Cartvale addressing the House of Lords on 14 April 1999 said, “…in the absence of unequivocal evidence to show that the Ottoman administration took a specific decision and action to eliminate the Armenians under their control at the time, British governments have not recognised the events of 1915 and 1916 as “genocide.”[7]

69 American historians, including Professors Bernard Lewis, Justin McCarthy, Stanford Shaw and Dankwart Rustow published a statement in The New York Times and Washington Post on May 19, 1985, arguing that “…much more remains to be discovered before historians will be able to sort out precisely responsibility between warring and innocent and to identify the causes for the events which resulted in the death or removal of large numbers of the eastern Anatolian population, Christian and Muslim alike.”[8]

On December 17, 2013, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Switzerland violated the right to freedom of speech by convicting Doğu Perinçek, chairman of the Turkish Workers Party, for having publicly denied the existence of any genocide against the Armenian people. The Court pointed out that a consensus was difficult to establish in relation to matters which cannot be historically ascertained with absolute certainty, especially in view of the fact that genocide is a very specific and narrowly defined legal concept requiring a high threshold of proof.[9]

I believe that historic events should not be used for political purposes and history should be left to historians as suggested by the Turkish Parliament to the British House of Lords and Commons on April 13, 2005.[10]

Dr. Onur Öymen, Retired Ambassador & Former Member of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey 

[1]Jean Schlicklin, Angora…L’aube de la Turquie Nouvelle (1919-1922), Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1922, p. 143.
 [2]Schlicklin, Angora…, pp. 146-148.
 [3]Arşiv Belgelerine Göre Kafkasya ve Anadolu’da Ermeni Mezalimi, Ankara: T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 1995.
 [4]M.L. Sanders & Phillip M. Taylor, British Propaganda during the First World War: 1914-1918, London, 1982.
 [5]Ovanes Kaçaznuni, Taşnak Partisinin Yapacağı Bir Şey Yok: 1923 Parti Konferansına Rapor (The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Has Nothing To Do Any More: The Manifesto of Hovannes Katchznouni), İstanbul: Kaynak Yayınları, 2005, p.6.
 [6]“Convention on the Prevention and the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,” [Accessed on 24 April 2015], Available at:
 [7]Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale Speech, 14 April 1999, [Accessed on 24 April 2015], Available at:
 [8]“Attention Members of the U.S. House of Representatives,” New York Times, 19 May 1985.
 [9]Dirk Voorhoof, “Criminal Conviction for Denying the Existence of the Armenian “genocide” Violates Freedom of Expression,” [Accessed on 24 April 2015], Available at:
 [10]“Letter to the British Parliament by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey,” [Accessed on 24 April 2015]

"Savaş bittikten sonra geri dönenlerin mal varlıklarıyla ilgili Osmanlı hükümetinin verdiği kararlar var. Mülkleri geri veriliyor. Daha sonra Lozan'da Ermeniler diye açık olarak belirtilmemekle birlikte, Lozan Antlaşması'nda da dönmüş olanlara mallarının geri verilmesi kabul ediliyor. Yine bazı geri dönenler oluyor, mallarını, gerek taşınmazlarını geri alıyorlar. Daha sonra tabii, geri dönmeyenler açısından da bir zaman aşımı söz konusu, yani mülkiyet hakkı zaman aşımı ile ortadan kalkabilecek. O hakkı değerlendirmediğiniz, kullanmadığınız zaman zaman aşımı ile ortadan kalkar. 

İşin ilginç tarafı, bu Amerika'daki Ermeniler açısından da önemli, 1923 yılında Amerikan hükümeti Türkiye'ye diyor ki : Benim Amerikan vatandaşı olan Türkiye'den göç ettirilmiş, veya işte Amerika'ya yerleşmiş olan , benim Ermeni kökenli vatandaşlarımın mallarıyla ilgili bize tazminat verin diyor. Türk hükmetiyle Amerikan hükümeti arasına uzun süreli müzakereler devam ediyor ve 1937 yılında Türkiye bu konuda , şimdi tam rakamı hatırlamıyorum ama 800 bin küsürat , yaklaşık 900 bin dolar Amerika'yaya veriyor , oradaki Ermeniler için. 

Ve bu mesele orada bitiyor zaten. Yani Türkiye bu konudaki, Ermenilerin Türkiye'deki taşınmazları konusunda tazminatını vermiş. Bu hak tanınmış, kullananlar kullanmış, kullanmıyanlar açısından bir zaman aşımı oluşmuş, ve özellikle Türkiye ile Amerika arasında imzalanan 37 yılındaki anlaşma ile tazminat verilmiş.

Dolayısıyla artık uluslararası hukuk açısından, gelip oradaki malları, gayri menkulleri, taşınmazları tekrar alma şansları bulunmuyor."

Mehmet Perinçek / video

"The Republic of Turkey, which settled the issue of Ottoman debts in accordance with the Treaty of Lausanne, also paid US$899,840 (dollars of the 1930s) to the US government for distribution to its citizens on the basis of the Agreement of 24 December 1923 and Supplemental Agreements, concluded and implemented between the US and Turkey. The Supplemental Agreement of 25 October 1934 concluded by the two governments provided for the settlement of the outstanding claims of the nationals of each country against the other; Article II of the agreement is as follows:

The two Governments agree that, by the payment of the aforesaid sum [$1,300,000], the Government of the Republic of Turkey will be released from liability with respect to all of the above-mentioned claims formulated against it and further agree that every claim embraced by the Agreement of December 24, 1923, shall be considered and treated as finally settled.

The last US report in 1937 finally estimated that the principal and interest amounted to US$899,840.56 It is remarkable that not a single claimant with an Armenian name was considered by the American civil servants to have made a credible case of seizure and/or destruction of property." - link

History is not one-sided....

How can you be sure of that? And how can you make decision that your research is the truth? Did you make a good research also from the other side, or was it enough what Armenian did say to you ? It was made in the war years all this propaganda, fake books and articles were published, an excuse for invasion, for war. After the war, Britains agreed that the blue book was a propaganda

Malta court in 1921, when Ottoman empire was under invasion, all the archives of Ottoman was under their hand, and yet, Americans nor the Britain's couldn't find any documents about genocide of Armenians. Everthing was political. 
The Malta court decided that the Turks were not guilty and the case was closed in 1921.

Heath Lowry: "Morgenthau was an unreliable witness." 
"U.S. missionaries were untrustworthy sources because of their anti-Muslim bias."

The parliaments can not decided wat it is, Armenian should bring it, if there is a genocide, to the court of Turkey, if they can not get an answer, they can move to European court. But they don't do that, because archives are on our side..thus it is political.

Sukru Aya revealed all these frauds. Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, 
Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources

In 1985 , 69 American scholars, academics sent a statement to DC "there is no Armenian genocide"  
some of them was threatened by Armenians, homes have been bombed.

Do you know how many Turkish Diplomats were killed by Armenian terrorists Asala? Below are 27 attacks against Turkish diplomats by Armenian terrorists during 1980s.

January 27, 1973 - Santa Barbara, California, United States:
Gourgen Yanikian, an elderly U.S. citizen of Armenian origin, assassinates 
Los Angeles Turkish Consul General, Mehmet Baydar, and Vice Consul, Bahadir Demir.

Armenian Atrocites and Terrorism: pdf: 

Or, how many Armenians live in Turkey? Many, some legal some not, but they live. Well how many Turks live in Armenia, in Yerevan, which was once a Turkish city? ZERO.

"The Armenian rebels were particularly successful in the City of Van, the largest city of southeastern Anatolia. They seized Van from the Ottomans and held it until the Russians arrived. When the Armenians seized Van they killed every Muslim who could not escape. Those Muslims were mainly Kurds. The Kurds in the countryside retaliated by killing every Armenian they could find, just as Armenian bands killed all the Muslims they could. At the end of the war, retreating Armenians, who had finally lost to the Turks, killed all the Turks they could find on their line of retreat and filled the streets of the cities of northeastern Anatolia with corpses. In turn, the Turkish peasants who found Armenians killed them.

The Armenians of Anatolia, most of whom lived in war zones, lost 40% of their population. The Muslims in the war-torn provinces of the East lost almost exactly the same proportion of their population, 40%. Both Muslims and Armenians in the war zone died from war between the Ottomans and Russians, from starvation and disease, and by killing each other.

Armenian losses in World War I are often cited, but Muslim losses are seldom mentioned outside of Turkey. The horrible word genocide is often used against the Turks, even though no one has ever shown any real Ottoman order to deliberately eradicate Armenians. Claims against the Turks were believed in America because of prejudice against non-Christians, but mainly because the other side’s story was never told. Even today, few know of the equal suffering of the Muslims in that terrible war. When only the deaths on one side in a war are known a mutual slaughter appears to be a genocide. It is far better to study and pity the inhumanity of those times than to lay blame on one side or the other."

The following excerpt from "The Armenian File — The Myth of Innocence Exposed" by Kamuran Gürün 
sheds convincing light on the number of Armenians killed during the time of the Armenian "Genocide."

Archives of Turkey are open for every scholar who wants to work, but archives of Armenia or closed, even Boston archives. "Ottoman Archives are Fully open” 

Mehmet Perincek worked in Russian archives :
Russian Archives "Prove": NO GENOCIDE: link: 

Historical Evidence Proves There Was No Armenian Genocide 
link:   2link


Do you want to know what happened, or have you already decided to take part in running this political game? How would you feel about having to send your children to any school if lies are taught about your people's heritage?.....

And: Khojaly.....a Azerbaijan city (if you don't know ,I will say: they are Turkish people)
Justice for Khojaly in 1992 - the Bloody slaughter of Khojaly Turks by Armenian troops :

""British reporter Thomas De Waal interview with Sarkisian . Serge Sarkisian, long-time Defense Minister and Chairman of Security Council of Armenia who is the current president of Armenia: “Before Khojali, the Azerbaijanis thought that were joking with them, they thought that the Armenians were people who could not raise their hands against the civilian population. We were able to break that." . De Waal : "Serge Sarkisian does not deny !" "" 
Echo of Khojaly-Foreign Mass Media Briefly about Khojaly

Besides Armenia is not their real name it is Hay-Hayk.
How Hays became Armenians? Historical background.

Who is in hostile and aggressive behavoir? 
"Armenian burnded Turkish Flag" watch

Demands : read

We are not amplified by hate, we bury our pain inside. Yes, from both sides people died, but that was not a genocide of Armenians, instead it was Turkish genocide. Many mass graves are found that belongs to the Turks, and there is no mass grave that belongs to the Armenians. Turks Offer Help to Excavate Alleged Mass Armenian Grave: link

Professor Justin McCarthy,Historian at the University of Louisville,
and Mr. Bruce Fein, US lawyer specializing in constitutional and international law, who served as an advisor to the former US President Ronald Reagan; CTC Press Conference 

Armenia was built by Russia on Azarbaijan territory
also a video of Justin Mccarthy 

"The current Republic of Armenia was formed only at the beginning of the last century, and more specifically - in 1918. May 26, 1918, when the Transcaucasian Sejm decided to disband. On the same day was proclaimed the independence of Georgia and Azerbaijan on May 28 announced the fraction of Azerbaijan's independence. The Armenian fraction of the Diet was no territory and population. Even in any county in any police station in Georgia and Azerbaijan, Armenians did not constitute a majority of the population.

But at that time, the Armenian government faction begged Fatalihana Khoysky give them a piece of land for self-determination of the Armenian people and the establishment of the state, the Armenian terrorist gang led by Andranik, Dro, and other Amazapsom brutally destroyed the Muslim population throughout Azerbaijan, particularly in the Erivan Province . And the Armenian propaganda in the capitals of Europe and the United States drew the image of "long-suffering people" and thus skillfully played on the religious feelings. She presented the Armenians all higher state and spiritual reasons in Europe and the United States as a nation, "the first to adopt Christianity." From court to court, from the office to the office they solicited funds for the Armenian bands and begged for help in the creation of the Armenian state.

The victorious countries in World War I, through their representatives informed the government F. Khoyski that providing Armenians Erivan and some adjacent areas could serve as a recognition of the independence of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. These conditions of the Entente Prime Minister Khoyski tabled in the National Council of ADRs May 29, 1918. Several deputies led by Vice Speaker Gasanbekov Agaevym categorically opposed these conditions. But in the end serious conditions Entente aimed at the dismemberment of the territory of Azerbaijan were adopted (TSGAOR Azerb. Republic. F.907, OP.1, hr.1, l.5).

Also present another document confirming the act of giving Erivan Armenians:

Directive chairman of the Council of Ministers F. X. Khoysky Foreign Minister MG Hadjinsky sending dispatches the declaration of independence of Azerbaijan." .....  read in Russian language

An answer to a journalist about violates ceasefire, from President Aliyev: "They invade our territory, violating international law, they committed genocide in Khojaly. They ruined our historical and religious monuments and they blame us! The question must ask as:- What are Armenian troops doing here? What are they doing in occupied lands of Azerbaijan? If he does not want to die, then let him go to Yerevan. What are they doing in Agdam or Fuzuli? There is many room in their country, because many Armenians left Armenia." . Agdam and Fuzuli belongs to Azerbaijan, and these territories are under occupation by Armenia. to read

Yes Yerevan is older but, history of Armenia (Haykistan) begins at the 6th c BC in that region. Subar Turks, Scythian/Saka Turks, Parthian Turks, As Turks was already there. Must read more to understand.

Turkish history is much older than you think! If Turkish language have influence on Akkadian language...

Akkadian, although a dead language, has left deep imprints on Semitic and some Indo-European languages, and has played an important role in the history of mankind. It is accepted as the ancestor of all the Semitic languages. Beginning from the era of Sargon I, it became the official language in a vast area from Anatolia to Egypt and to India. Akkadian was the "Lingua Franca" of the ancient world, and has passed on many words to other languages such as Persina, Sanskrit and Greek. Although, Assyriologists at present ignore it,the lnaguage spoken in the very days of Akkad, in BCE 28-24, may have been an agglutinative language like today's Turkish or Magyar, rather than an inflective language like today's Arabic and all Syriac languages.Thus it may show parallelism with Turkish.

Elşad Alili - Institution of Linguistics, Azerbaijan; Osman Çataloluk - Department of Archeogenetics, Turkey

Similarity Between Turkish & Akkadian Based on Rules of Inflective Agglutinative Languages ; AL&LS Advances in Language and Literary Studies... link for the international journal 2014 : 


"As previously reported, in Moscow completed its international scientific conference "ethnogenesis, history, language and culture of Karachai-Balkar people", held in Moscow Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. NNMiklukho Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The conference was attended by about 400 people from 16 countries, including scientists from Azerbaijan. The conference discussed the most important issues of Turkish history, special attention is paid to the history of the Turkic peoples of the Caucasus. 

On the final day of the conference voted unanimously for a resolution presented by the Azerbaijani scientists, leading researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, PhD on the history of Zaur Hasanov. As noted in an interview Z.Gasanov APA, resolution refuted scientifically erroneous opinion that all the Scythians spoke only one Iranian language. The scientist said: "From the point of view of the participants as part of the Scythian Empire were tribes speaking different languages, including Turkish. The decision of the conference is a collective scientific support for the view that the rights of the vast Scythian Empire "Royal Scythians" were a Turkic ethnic group. They created their own state in the Caucasus 2700 years ago. Thus, Ancient history begins with the Scythians and other related peoples, such as the Cimmerians, Sakas, Sarmatians, Alans. "  ....  news in Russian language

The Legacy of Scythians by Valentyn Stetsiuk,Ukraine
All these linguistic findings combined with archaeological artifacts allow to confirm that Scythian had Turkic origin and modern Chuvashs are Scytians


"The history of a people need to be read, a bit of by looking at the writings of his enemies."

The truth, it can be hurtful….